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November 17, 2004


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tom matrullo

Forgive the following if it's overfamiliar terrain:

I'd be interested in this site's regulars views of Marjorie Kelly's work on corporate power structures, e.g., the Divine Right of Capital - http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1576752372/

- One point Kelly makes is that corporate fixation on shareholder value tends to destroy that value by plundering and pillaging the other values which were the reason customers and employees were attracted to the company to begin with.

- E.g. (my example not Kelly's), if you look at what is happening at this moment with Kmart and Sears, you will see a man (Lambert) gutting two Wal-Mart victims, raising share price, and, more than likely, destroying tens of thousands of retail jobs over the next few years.

- Thus, the interrelativity of corporate "giving" and taking.

Jon Husband

corporate fixation on shareholder value tends to destroy that value by plundering and pillaging the other values which were the reason customers and employees were attracted to the company to begin with.

Yes .. .and over time, new "values" are created (forced on us, actually). I would argue we have been witnessing this process unfold, in an accelerated fashion, over the past 15 years or so ... actually, there's probaly quite a long arc to it, punctuated by wars to give the roulette wheel some new momentum.


Prudhomme, the theorist of anarchy wrote, "Property is theft." Today giving, as in file sharing, is theft. GNP and profit margins, or ROI, are ways to measure a succesful set of social arrangments. More subjective, but as important is social capital, the density of gift and service networks. To redress the imbalance, those who understand and love gift culture may have to focus their gifts more strategically on matters of law and public policy. "We are being stolen blind." On that point at least music companies and anarchists can agree.

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